Pork Pie 4-Piece Standard Maple Drum Set Reviews 5

My brother paid $900 for them at a pawn shop used. (Hanukkah present)(yes, I'm Jewish)

I love them. They sound so clear and bright, and they are built solid. I didn't have to do any adjustments to them whatsoever! I know one thing--I can definately say that I will go to Pork Pie for any kind of drum-related things (except for drum sticks--I use Ahead 5A's). Despite the high price, you definately get your money's worth in quality--even "pawn-shop-piece-of-crap" sets like mine. I liked these things better than any other drum set I've played--bar none!

Not much, besides a few scratches and dings on the finish. But, if you buy used, you sacrifice looks.

As solid as the rocky mountains. These babies aren't coming apart any time soon--and I don't need a warranty to prove it.

Japanese Sales Rep: Buy set!!! Buy Buy Buy!!! Good Set!!! No Waste Money Here!!! Me:...yeah...what he said.

Nikolai Ivanovic rated this unit 5 on 2003-02-05.

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